Wall-to-Wall Studios presents at AUBER Annual Conference on Website Design Best Practices

November 30, 2012
Categories:Awards, People, Event


The Association for University Business and Economic Research (AUBER) is internationally recognized by business, government, and education as the premiere professional organization dedicated to continually improving the quality, effectiveness, and application of research in business, economics, and public policy. The organization held its 2012 national conference last month in Honolulu, and invited Wall-to-Wall Studios' Mark Guillermo and Charles Ka'a Kihe to speak about Website design, development and best practices (planning, content strategy, responsive design for mobile devices, and the synergy between designers and developers).



One featured case study by Wall-to-Wall Studios was the University of Hawaii's Economic Research Organization (UHERO) website, which won the 2011 AUBER Website Design Award. An important feature of the website is the UHERO Data Portal, a free online resource that provides access to the most up-to-date information on a wide array of economic and social indicators for the Hawaii State and County economies. The AUBER Website Award honors the center whose website effectively and efficiently communicates with its constituents in terms of design, content, organization and more.



Mahalo to Lorena Akioka, University of Georgia, for moderating the discussion!

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