Wall-to-Wall Studios Co-Founder Appointed to Bishop Museum's Board of Directors

December 17, 2012
Categories:People, Media


HONOLULU - Bishop Museum announced the appointment of four new members to its Board of DirectorsThe new board members are:

Dee Jay Mailer, president and CEO, Kamehameha Schools
Randy P. Perreira, president, Hawaii Government Employees Association
James Polk, executive vice president corporate, Bank of Hawaii
Bernard Uy, co-founder and creative director, Wall to Wall Studios


"We are delighted to welcome our new board members. Their involvement and guidance will support the new direction Bishop Museum has taken to ensure our institution continues to be an invaluable community resource now and for generations to come,” said Blair Collis, president and CEO of Bishop Museum. “Each of them brings a unique perspective and experience to the table and we look forward to having them onboard to strengthen the Museum on all fronts of its operation." 


Bishop Museum was founded in 1889 by Charles Reed Bishop in honor of his late wife, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the last descendant of the royal Kamehameha family. The Museum was established to house the extensive collection of Hawaiian artifacts and royal family heirlooms of the Princess, and has expanded to include millions of artifacts, documents and photographs about Hawai‘i and other Pacific island cultures.


Today, Bishop Museum is the largest museum in the state and the premier natural and cultural history institution in the Pacific, recognized throughout the world for its cultural collections, research projects, consulting services and public educational programs. It also has one of the largest natural history specimen collections in the world. Serving and representing the interests of Native Hawaiians is a primary purpose of the Museum.


For a list of Bishop Museum’s Board of Directors visit http://bishopmuseum.org/aboutus/bod.html.

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Bishop Museum Press Release link.

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