Originally created in 1984, the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) is a municipal water authority providing services to over 300,000 consumers throughout the region. Every day PWSA performs a broad range of critical functions for the region, including water treatment and distribution, quality testing, wastewater conveyance and infrastructure maintenance and improvement.
Customers, partners and city officials are exposed to the PWSA brand on a regular basis through a wide array of touch-points, from billing statements and construction sites to event exhibits and promotional products.
Throughout its history, PWSA's identity had been applied with widespread inconsistency, suffering from the lack of a formal usage guideline that could be easily understood and managed. This led led to internal confusion regarding marketing efforts and poor brand recognition among PWSA’s customers and audiences. In an effort to bring consistency and increased recognition to the brand, W|W designed a new visual identity for PWSA, including a logo system, stationery and visual branding guidelines. For the rebranding initiative, W|W recommended Pgh2o (vs. PWSA) as the primary, outward facing, visual identity to help reposition the organization. Subsequently, W|W has continued to support PWSA with an integrated implementation of the visual branding on vehicle fleet, signage, media kit, water quality reports, collateral and outreach materials, and extending the branding into programs as Green Stormwater Infrastructure.
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 employee safety vest](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvOWY2M2R6YjB1NV9QV1NBXzAyX0FwcGFyZWwuanBnIl1d/PWSA_02_Apparel.jpg)
![PWSA Manhole Cover](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTgvMDQvMDIvM2g5Nzkxa2Nnb19QV1NBX01hbmhvbGVfQ292ZXIuanBnIl1d/PWSA-Manhole-Cover.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 branded vehicle](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvMjhpOGpyMXN2aV9QV1NBXzAzX1ZlaGljbGUuanBnIl1d/PWSA_03_Vehicle.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 sidewalk sticker green infrastructure](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvOGY2amRrYnp4bl9QV1NBXzA0X1NpZGV3YWxrU3RpY2tlci5qcGciXV0/PWSA_04_SidewalkSticker.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 customer bill statement](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvOGdlbHNmd2J2NF9QV1NBXzA1X0JpbGwuanBnIl1d/PWSA_05_Bill.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 bill insert](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvNGFocmRpdDcwc19QV1NBXzA2X0JpbGxfSW5zZXJ0LmpwZyJdXQ/PWSA_06_Bill-Insert.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 stationery system](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvMjBxMHk0NXpoal9QV1NBXzA3X1N0YXRpb25lcnkuanBnIl1d/PWSA_07_Stationery.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 signage](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvMjIxdTZ5cjlnc19QV1NBXzA4X1NpZ25hZ2UuanBnIl1d/PWSA_08_Signage.jpg)
![Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority PWSA PGH20 brand guidelines](/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMDUvMTEvNnFxYjM0dHNwbl9QV1NBXzA5X0lEX0d1aWRlLmpwZyJdXQ/PWSA_09_ID-Guide.jpg)