Wall-to-Wall Studios wins 13 Awards at the 2014 Pele (ADDY) Advertising Show

June 24, 2014

This spring, Wall-to-Wall Studios was honored with the following awards by the American Advertising Federation (AAF) Hawaii Chapter's Annual Pele (ADDY) Advertising Show:

 3 Gold Peles / Addys:

- Island Air Brand Identity/Logo Design
- 'Ulu'ulu Brand Identity/Logo Design
- Hawaii Primary Care Association (HPCA) "Ola Movie" Website Design

7 Silver Awards:
- Island Air Signage System Design
- Hawaii Energy's "Take A Stab" TV Commercial
- Chaminade University's "Think Psychology" TV Commercial
- Leather Soul Brand Print Advertisement
- Hawaii National Bank's Holiday E-Card Design
- AIGA Honolulu 5-O Award Show Event Campaign Design
- HPCA "Ola Movie" Film Titles Design

3 Bronze Awards:
- Hawaii Energy's "Your First Step" TV Commercial 
- Hawaii Energy's Television Advertising Campaign
- Island Air - Branding/Interior Environment Design

WW also received recognition for receiving the only AAF National Awards for our District in 2012-2013, 3 Silver Awards:
- Hawaii Energy's "Lamp Bullies" TV Commercial
- Mobi PCS "Good Thing" TV Commercial
- Wall-to-Wall Studios Occasional Cards - Agency Self-Promotion

The "PELE AWARDS" is an AAF American Advertising Awards District 13 Competition which recognizes the best advertising and design work created in Hawaii during the preceding calendar year (January 2013 to December 2013). The annual competition recognizes the best advertising and design work created in Hawaii. The American Advertising Awards ("ADDYs") is the advertising industry's largest and most representative competition, attracting over 40,000 entries every year in local AAF Club (Ad Club) competitions. The mission of the American Advertising Awards competition is to recognize and reward the creative spirit of excellence in the art of advertising.

Congratulations to our Clients and to everyone who collaborated with us to make this possible!

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