Wall-to-Wall Studios Sponsors Third NOISE Design/Music Experience, Featuring White Wives

March 21, 2013
Categories:Partnership, Event


NOISE V3 takes place at Commonwealth Press Warehouse and features Pittsburgh alternative rock group, White Wives. The event will be an interactive design/music experience with an additional music performance by The Wakening, live painting by Mike Egan, interactive screen printing with CW Press, sound art installation by Maurice Rickard, and a crowd sourced favorite show flyer wall. RSVP for the event here.


Sunday April 7, 2013
5-8 pm


Commonwealth Press Warehouse (2315 Wharton Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203)







Be a part of NOISE by submitting your favorite flyer to noise@walltowall.com. Any show. Anywhere in the world. Your contribution will be used as part the event.

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