Wall-to-Wall Studios Launches Talent Search for Honolulu Office

April 2, 2012


Wall-to-Wall Studios is looking to grow our team in our Honolulu office with the following positions:


WEB DEVELOPER (link to details)

The candidate's primary role is to collaborate with our team of designers, strategists and account managers to build from initial concepts to a final production-ready websites and custom applications.



The candidate's primary role is to coordinate/manage day-to-day operations for various clients with an emphasis on web development and to provide office support services in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness within the agency. 


INTERN WEB/PRINT DESIGNER (3-month position - click to apply)

The candidate's primary role is to assist the team on multiple creative and production projects for clients, while gaining valuable experience within a fast-paced, award-winning creative agency.


For additional details and to apply, view our Resumator job postings here.

Or, email a cover letter and resume to resume-hnl (at) walltowall.com.

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