Wall-to-Wall Studios Launches AfterSchoolPgh.org Website

July 20, 2010
Categories:Launches, Partnership


3rc (Three Rivers Connect), in collaboration with APOST (Allegheny Partners of Out-of-School Time), The Greater Pittsburgh Afterschool Peer Network and SPARC (Southwestern Pennsylvania Afterschool Resource Collaboration) hired Wall-to-Wall Studios to design and develop a new on-line tool and interactive resource that helps create a sustainable afterschool system and disseminate resources to the target audiences. The website utilizes W|W CMS and News, Calendar and Form-Builder Plug-Ins and has a custom integration with the Information Commons, a 3rd party information database of programs.  Wall-to-Wall Studios also assisted the organization in developing the naming and brand for the initiative, AfterSchoolPgh.

Visit the AfterSchoolPgh.org website.  

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