Wall-to-Wall Studios Launches "5210 Let's Go" Website for HICORE

April 19, 2011
Categories:Launches, Partnership


Wall-to-Wall Studios launches the website for Hawaii 5210 "Let's Go" (www.hawaii5210.org), the healthy lifestyle program for HICORE (The Hawaii Initiative for Childhood Obesity Research and Education), an organization that provides collaborative and multi-disciplinary leadership in research and education on childhood obesity, physical activity and nutrition in Hawaii. The key tenets of 5210 include:

• Consume 5 fruits and vegetables a day = 5
• Limit screen time to 2 hours or less per day = 2
• Engage in 1 hour or more of physical activity per day (moderate/vigorous exercise) = 1
• Consume no sugary beverages each day = 0
HICORE's 5210 program supports First Lady Michelle Obama's national campaign against childhood obesity called “Let’s Move" (www.letsmove.gov) which gives parents and families a clear direction for actionable behaviors so they are in a better position to partner with their children and health care team. The website is powered by W|WCMS, the content management system designed/developed by Wall-to-Wall Studios and includes the News module.
View the Hawaii 5210 Let's Go website.
View the Hawaii Initiative for Childhood Obesity Research and Education (HICORE) website.

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