Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Integrated Rebranding for the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association

October 19, 2017

Congratulations to the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association (PCUA) on the launch of the rebranded organization on International Credit Union Day when credit unions across the world celebrate and reflect upon the credit union movement's history, promote its achievements, recognize the hard work and share member experiences. Wall-to-Wall Studios designed the integrated rebranding for PCUA, one of the leading credit union association’s in the country. Founded in 1934 and based in Harrisburg, PA, PCUA is the trade association that represents the Keystone State's 450+ credit unions, providing them with critical services like legislative advocacy and operational support. Remarked President & CEO in CUInsight, “We made the decision to rebrand as a way to reinforce our leadership role in the credit union movement. Changing the look and feel of our logo and creating a brand promise were clear first steps for us."

The collaboration began with a research-driven brand platform that provided a fact-based foundation from which W|W designed the visual identity & logo, stationery system, marketing collateral, narrative, brand style guide, brand video, ads, merchandising, signage, magazine and more. 

For a more in-depth look, please view the PCUA case study.

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