Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Integrated Rebranding for The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

July 16, 2021

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) is a municipal corporation that improves Pittsburgh’s livability by helping financially challenged residents and their families become proud, productive community members for generations to come. W|W recently completed a rebranding for HACP, including an evolution of their visual identity and logo.

The project involved a brand audit (with stakeholder interviews, several surveys, and secondary research), a new brand platform (mission, positioning, promise, purpose, values, and tagline), and an extensive visual toolkit (including the logo, sub-marks, patterns, and custom iconography).

In addition to the rebrand, W|W designed an integrated marketing campaign for HACP, as well as a signature publication about HACP's impact.

View the full HACP case study.

The super graphic "H" for The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
The super graphic "H" for The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Brochure covers for The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh.
Brochure covers for The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh.
Digital marketing assets for the Housing Choice Voucher landlord recruitment campaign.
Digital marketing assets for the Housing Choice Voucher landlord recruitment campaign.
Cover of a signature publication that highlights the organization’s impact.
Cover of a signature publication that highlights the organization’s impact.

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