Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Integrated Rebranding and Website for Island Slippers

January 14, 2022

In Hawaii, slippers are the ubiquitous footwear (don't call them flip flops here!) and Island Slipper is a Honolulu-based company known for high-end, handmade slippers. The brand prides itself on quality materials, unique prints, and has been handmaking its slippers since 1946.

W|W refreshed the brand to strike a balance between evolution and revolution. The new visual identity draws inspiration from past Island Slipper logos while simplifying and modernizing many of the elements into a more cohesive and legible mark.

In addition to the refreshed brand identity, W|W redesigned the website, packaging, store interior, and signage.

View the Island Slipper case study.

Logo before and after
Comparison of the previous visual identity and evolved logo.
Photo of the updated visual branding applied to a pair of slippers.
The updated visual branding applied to a pair of slippers.
screen grab of the new website, as redesigned by W|W with the new branding and optimized experience.
The new website, as redesigned by W|W with the new branding and optimized experience.
Photo of Retail storefront with the new branding.
Retail storefront with the new branding.
Product packaging leveraging the refreshed brand.
Product packaging leveraging the refreshed brand.

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