Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Identity and Integrated Branding for Pittsburgh Shorts Film Festival

October 26, 2017

Wall-to-Wall Studios designed the integrated visual branding (logo & identity system, poster, merchandise, advertising, social media promotional graphics, trailer animation, custom trophies and more) for Pittsburgh Shorts, a festival that celebrates independent filmmaking with five days of the best contemporary short films from around the globe.  The first festival of its kind in the region, Pittsburgh Shorts includes narratives, documentaries and animated films—plus visiting filmmakers, a virtual reality exhibit, and a Halloween Bash. Fun size fits all.

Pittsburgh Shorts is presented by Film Pittsburgh, the parent organization for JFilm Festival, the ReelAbilities Film Festival, the Robinson International Short Film Competition, Teen Screen and other programming.

For more information about Pittsburgh Shorts and Film Pittsburgh, visit www.FilmPittsburgh.org

Pittsburgh Shorts Film Festival poster
Pittsburgh Shorts Film Festival animated clock graphic
Pittsburgh Shorts Film Festival type
Animated Sweet Treats for Pittsburgh Shorts
Pittsburgh Shorts sweet treat type
Halloween Bash graphic for Pittsburgh Shorts
Halloween Bash for Pittsburgh Shorts graphic icons
Pittsburgh Shorts laurel
Pittsburgh Shorts custom trophies

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