Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs & Develops Website For dbMotion

February 3, 2012


Wall-to-Wall Studios designed and developed the website for dbMotion, a firm that has created an innovative connected healthcare solution that integrates patient information from disparate health information technologies—delivering it in a useable format to clinicians within familiar workflows. Originally developed by (and spun off from) the business intelligence solutions unit of Ness Technologies (NASDAQ:NSTC), the dbMotion interoperability platform semantically harmonizes and compresses volumes of health data across an enterprise and throughout a community without requiring that existing systems be replaced.The website is powered by W|W CMS, a custom content management system and includes the News and Form Builder CMS modules.  dbMotion will be introducing the EHR Agent at HIMSS12 in Las Vegas.  

View the dbMotion case study.

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