Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Branding for Pittsburgh Shorts 2019 Film Festival

Wall-to-Wall Studios designed the integrated visual branding (poster, merchandise, advertising, social media graphics, trailer animation and more) for Pittsburgh Shorts 2019, a festival that celebrates independent filmmaking with seven days of the best contemporary short films from around the globe. The only festival of its kind in the region, Pittsburgh Shorts focuses on films that promote innovative visual storytelling and cultural tolerance. In addition to film screenings, Pittsburgh Shorts will host a script competition in partnership with Carnegie Screenwriters. Four scripts will be selected for seated readings by professional actors to be held during the festival.
Pittsburgh Shorts is presented by Film Pittsburgh, the parent organization for JFilm Festival, ReelAbilities Film Festival, Robinson International Short Film Competition, Teen Screen and other programming.
Pittsburgh Shorts 2019 runs from November 1-7 at the SouthSide Works Cinema in Pittsburgh. Over seven days, with 116 films from 33 countries and 40+ visiting filmmakers Funsize Fits All. For more information about Pittsburgh Shorts and Film Pittsburgh, visit www.FilmPittsburgh.org