Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Branding for PDP's Public Restrooms

September 13, 2023

Helping to bring dignity back to the Pittsburgh public pit–stop. Wall-to-Wall Studios partnered with Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership to design a series of new public restrooms for those who live, work, or visit the Golden Triangle. “Everyone deserves to have a safe, clean, and reliable place to use the restroom," said Mayor Ed Gainey, while unveiling the first of the Pittsburgh Potties last week.

The design is inspired by the vintage wallpaper you may find in charming (outdated) yinzer bathrooms in homes around the city. Paired with minimal typography, the traditional wallpaper motif is applied to the outside of the structure – creating a fun, modern vibe that feels at home in an urban environment. The language translations on the side are a nod to the local history, as well as a familiar Pittsburghese term.

Read more press coverage here.

Photo credit: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership

Photo of branded Pittsburgh Potty Public Restroom PDP with Mayor Ed Gainey
Rendering of branded Pittsburgh Potty Public Restroom PDP

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