Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs A "Brand Blue" Identity For Paubox, Inc.

August 12, 2021

Paubox, Inc. is a fast-growing, San Francisco-based tech company with Hawai’i roots, providing a variety of HIPAA-compliant email encryption solutions.

W|W was tasked with helping to evolve the Paubox brand look and feel, make recommendations for the brand’s growing structure, and develop messaging in line with Paubox’s top-level industry certifications and place as a leader in the email security space.

Along with the refined logotype, W|W designed a new P icon, a reference to email communication, the core of Paubox’s products, and their simplicity of use.

With this new visual direction, W|W created templates for various brand touchpoints including the website homepage and email newsletters.

View the Paubox, Inc. case study.

Redesigned Paubox, Inc. Logo
Redesigned Paubox, Inc. logo
Paubox, Inc. Website Redesign With New Brand Identity
Paubox, Inc. website redesign with new brand identity

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