Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs 2013 Annual Report for Richard King Mellon Foundation

November 3, 2014
Categories:Launches, Partnership


Wall-to-Wall Studios designed the 2013 Annual Report for the Richard King Mellon Foundation, one of America's largest private foundations. For more than 60 years the Richard King Mellon Foundation has invested in the competitive future and quality of life in Southwestern Pennsylvania, and in the protection, preservation, and restoration of America’s environmental heritage. The Foundation was created in 1947 by Richard King Mellon (1899 – 1970), president and chairman of Mellon Bank, a conservationist and leading figure in the financial and civic life of Pennsylvania.


The Foundation's grant-making history and ongoing grants are intended to help develop, nuture, and strengthen institutional leaders whose endeavors play an essential role in shaping and supporting the quality of life in southwestern Pennsylvania - both now and into the future. For the annual report W|W commissioned a series of custom portraits that feature several of these important institutional leaders. 



 Bold, colorful section intros are featured throughout the report.



 Easily digestible stories are accompanied by large, vivid images.



One in a series of custom portraits developed for the report.



Grant summary, infographic and feature.

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