W|W Clients Providing COVID-19 Support and Assistance

April 2, 2020

Wall-to-Wall Studios wanted to spread the word about several important resources from W|W clients that are working to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and to assist organizations navigate these incredibly difficult times.


Hawaii Fights COVID is a contact tracking survey launched by The University of Hawaii, National Disaster Preparedness Training Center and the Pacific Urban Resilience Lab. Contact tracking is a method for tracking the spread of a virus in Hawaii that relies on self-reporting and patient memory to identify those potentially infected so they can be isolated early, slowing the spread of the disease. Please visit the Hawaii Fights COVID website to learn more about contract tracking and to take the survey. HawaiiFightsCOVID.org


The Richard King Mellon Foundation has launched three initiatives that are intended to support a regional COVID-19 response, including the Emergency Operating Support Fund, Economic Impact and Recovery Funding (RFI), and Healthcare Innovation and Technology Initiatives. Please visit the RK Mellon website for details about these initiatives.

The URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh) is taking important steps to help mitigate the unprecedented potential ramifications of COVID-19 to its existing small business borrowers and is temporarily easing and streamlining its Micro-Enterprise Loan Program to support up to 30, 0% loans for small businesses that are not currently URA borrowers. For residents, the URA is offering a Housing Stabilization Program, in partnership with Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh, that will assist households who are struggling with rent payments due to COVID-19-related losses in work and wages. Please visit the URA website for details.


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