Hawaii Business "Lunch & Learn": Leveraging Technology and Social Media
What sets your business apart from your competitors? How can you craft a “personality” for your business (and why)? How can technology and social media help drive your business success? Why is it important to build a brand and how can you do it? Are brands only for big businesses or can a small business build a brand too?
We hope to tackle these and other questions when we join small business owners for the next SmallBiz Lunch and Learn on Friday, July 22: “Leveraging Technology and Social Media to Grow Your Small Business” by Hawaii Business Magazine. Wall-to-Wall Studios co-founder Bernard Uy will be participating in a panel discussion with Cyrus Driver (VP of Oceanic Time Warner Business Class), Roxanne Darling (partner at Barefoot Studios), and moderated by David Tumilowicz, Publisher of Hawaii Business magazine. See you there!
Follow along via Twitter - #HBLunchLearn