Fast Company Design Previews Brand Identity Essentials

August 3, 2010

Fast Company's Co.Design, where business and design collide, previewed a new book by Yang Kim and Kevin Budelmann titled,  Brand Identity Essentials (publishing Fall 2010) that will celebrate well-executed brand programs as well as really great marks. Included in the publication is the logo created by Wall-to-Wall Studios for the Mob Museum in Las Vegas. Says Co.Design, "By using humor and wit, the (Mob Museum) identity program puts the customer in the know. And making the visitor feel in on a joke heightens the experience for them."  Everyday, the Co.Design website showcases the people, products and projects that are roiling the design world.

Visit the Mob Museum case study.

Read the Co.Design article.

Learn more about the Brand Identity Essentials book.

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