Faberge at the Frick Campaign Designed by Wall-to-Wall Studios

May 10, 2011

Wall-to-Wall Studios continued its integrated branding collaboration with the Frick Art & Historical Center (aka The Frick Pittsburgh) via the design of the promotional campaign for the upcoming exhibition, Faberge at the Frick. "Faberge: The Hodges Family Collection" comprises more than 100 objects made by the legendary House of Faberge, goldsmith and jeweler to the Russian court and will arrive at the Frick Pittsburgh this Fall, running from Oct. 23 through Jan. 15.  In addition to all of the promotional materials (save-the-date, invitation, signage, advertising), Wall-to-Wall Studios also designed the exhibit microsite.

Read the article in the Post-Gazette or Tribune-Review.

View the Frick awareness campaign case study.

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